Vancouver Pride 2021.
July 04 2021, Mercedes-Benz Vancouver

At the peak of every summer, the Vancouver Pride Society organizes a glorious slate of bright and bold events designed to reflect the pride of the LGBTQAI2S+ community through an intersectional lens. Indeed, the annual celebration is one of Vancouver’s most beloved events and it is so much more than a big party—it’s a space where everyone can express themselves free of judgement.
This year, Dilawri will continue the proud tradition of being a Vancouver Pride sponsor. Stay tuned for updates!
Last year’s festival went mostly virtual with distanced events and streaming options galore, and this summer’s festivities will be a little more opened-up but fairly similar, for safety’s sake. That includes a Decentralized Pride Parade streaming option (although you can still attend in person) and the original slate of ticketed in-person events safely kept to smaller groups in order to abide by provincial gathering rules. That said, the festival organizing teams are still looking into whether more tickets can be released with the B.C. government’s recent re-opening announcements, and those interested in receiving updates can sign up for Vancouver Pride’s newsletter here. Below, we’ve rounded up some event highlights, and a full list can be found at the Vancouver Pride Society. Enjoy!
Pride Art Walk
July 19 - August 3
Art-lovers unite for this self-guided walking tour in downtown Vancouver. What’s on show for you and your friends or family to enjoy? Five public art pieces and murals that celebrate queer folks. Dressing up to view them is highly encouraged—you’ll definitely want some snaps with the art for your social media, after all.
Posh Ball 2021

Saturday, July 31
Dress to impress for this epic virtual spectacle, which channels the kiki ballroom culture into a night filled with cash prizes, international judges, and other surprises popping up throughout the event. Attendance is free/by donation (but you must register) and 50% of all donations will go directly to QCHAT, which provides peer support for LGBTQAI2S+ youth.
A Nice Day for a Queer Wedding

Monday, July 26
Calling all romantics! In collaboration with the City of Vancouver, this is an opportunity for individuals to get married on one special day—with “a little extra queer fun” involved, as Vancouver Pride puts it. These micro-weddings will take place at City Hall and (unlike most Pride events) are private and not intended for public audiences. There are limited spots available, so if you and your partner are interested in making July 26 your anniversary, look into it now.